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About Us

SC Lennon & Associates is a consulting practice with offices in Brisbane / Meanjin and Melbourne / Naarm, Australia.
Leaders in the field of economic policy and strategy formulation, we offer informed and practical solutions to a range of policy and planning challenges. 
Our team includes experts in economic development, tourism, economic analysis and impact assessment, business case preparation, urban & regional planning, strategic planning, corporate planning, workforce planning, policy and program evaluation, stakeholder engagement, community planning and communications.


At SC Lennon & Associates, we provide clients in Australia and internationally, with informed solutions to a wide range of policy and planning challenges. Our advice is based on the highest-quality information and our expert understanding of social and economic development issues.


We work on the principle that 'economic development' is about the mutually-reinforcing and complementary relationship between improvements in economic activity, community wellbeing, cultural diversity, a sense of ‘place’ and the environment.


This notion of ‘sustainable’ economic development is a concept which looks beyond improvements in industry output, gross regional product (GRP) and employment. As fundamental as these traditional growth measures are, sustainable ‘economic development’ requires long-term economic growth without compromising an area’s community, cultural and environmental attributes which are inextricably linked with economic success.


Taking this holistic approach to economic development allows for a more strategic, informed and targeted approach to the identification of priorities for planning, to facilitate change towards a more prosperous future - for organisations and communities.


Our clients include governments, policy think-tanks, universities, non-government organisations and businesses. Our team has worked throughout Australia and around the world, including Brunei, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Thailand, Indonesia, New Zealand and Malaysia, to name a few.


We partner with a diversity of consultants covering a wide range of disciplines to complement and enhance our service offering. Our partnerships support our capacity to tailor solutions to meet client needs through a range of services.


To find out more about our services, click here


To find out more about our key personnel, click here


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