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Economic Development Strategies

Bold Ambitions 2038:
Toowoomba Region Economic Development Strategy

Toowoomba Regional  Council


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Toowoomba Regional Council to assist it in preparing a new economic development strategy for the Toowoomba Region.


Titled "Bold Ambitions 2038: A Blueprint for Regional  Prosperity", the economic development strategy provides a framework for for enhancing the vibrancy, liveability and economic sustainability of the Toowoomba region.

The intent of Bold Ambitions is encapsulated in the vision for the region’s economic development.


Bold Ambitions: Toowoomba Region Economic Development Vision 2022: The Toowoomba Region is a globally-connected hub of economic activity and employment, driven by wealth in a diversity of industries and supported by the liveability of its vibrant towns and centres.

The strategy puts in place a plan of action designed to facilitate projects and programs to help grow the regional economy, across four themes:


  1. Preparing for Prosperity: Strategic Planning and ‘Smart City’ Place Management;

  2. Enabling Prosperity: Delivering Strategic Infrastructure and Services;

  3. Supporting Prosperity: Investment Attraction and Industry Support; and

  4. Promoting Prosperity: Economic Development Advocacy and Partnerships.

Download the report.

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