Economic Development Strategies
Horizon 2021: City of Launceston Economic Development Strategy
City of Launceston
A team comprising SC Lennon & Associates and HillPDA was commissioned by the City of Launceston in Tasmania to prepare the City of Launceston Economic Development Strategy.
The Economic Development Strategy provides Council with the framework and directions to facilitate and promote economic development. Specifically, it identifies activities for which The City of Launceston can take the lead and others where Council will play a support role to other agencies and organisations driving the initiatives concerned.
Strategy outcomes include the identification of a vision for the economic development of the City and clarity around Council’s economic development functions, operations, strategies and required resources.
The strategy articulates and capitalises on Launceston's role as a regional service centre for Northern Tasmania, promoting the City's potential as:
A world-class 'learning city';
An internationally-recognised visitor destination; and
A location of choice for 'knowledge workers', entrepreneurs and innovative businesses seeking a sophisticated small-city lifestyle.
Delivering actions to support the foundations for growth, the City of Launceston Economic Development Strategy provides a ‘blueprint’ for enhancing economic vibrancy, sustainability and liveability in the City of Launceston. The focus of the strategy is on actions that can be achieved over the next five years.