Tourism Strategies
Torres Strait Regional Economic Investment Strategy:
Tourism Business Growth Package
Torres Strait Regional Authority
SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by the Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) to prepare a Regional Economic Investment Strategy (REIS). The REIS identifies those industries which provide the greatest opportunities to establish and grow commercially-viable businesses and employment in the Torres Strait.
Following preparation of the REIS, SC Lennon & Associates assisted the TSRA is designing and implementing a series of ‘Business Growth Packages’ as a direct outcome.
The Business Growth Packages (BGPs) for the ‘focal’ industries of: (1) Fishing; (2) Arts & Creative Industries; and (3) Tourism are intended to support Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal entrepreneurs or businesses in the region to start or grow a commercially viable business.
The Torres Strait Region Tourism BGP delivers a strategically-targeted mix of support to projects that demonstrate a capacity for commercially-viable business development and employment creation in the Torres Strait Region’s tourism sector.
Information on the TSRA’s new suite of business assistance products, including the Tourism Business Growth Package, is available at