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Provided below is a selection of consultancy projects completed by SC Lennon & Associates. 
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Macleay Valley Coast Destination Management Plan 2019-2029
Kempsey Shire Council

SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Kempsey Shire Council on the NSW Mid North Coast to prepare the Macleay Valley Coast Destination Management Plan, 2019-2029.


The Destination Management Plan articulates the vision for the region, which is that the Macleay Valley Coast will establish itself as a premier regional visitor destination through the development of iconic natural visitor attractions, driving growth in high-yield and environmentally sustainable tourism.


By guiding a strategic and informed approach to growing the Macleay Valley Coast visitor economy, the Plan emphasises the design and implementation of four key ‘game-changer’ projects that may take some years to fully realise, as well as selected high-priority supportive projects that can be developed in the first two years of the Plan.

By addressing key challenges and capitalising on opportunities to grow the Macleay Valley Coast visitor economy, the Destination Management Plan provides a framework for action to help fulfil the vision for a vibrant visitor economy.


The Macleay Valley Coast Destination Management Plan can be downloaded here.

Outlook 2025: Burdekin Economic Development Strategy

Burdekin Shire Council


Commissioned by Burdekin Shire Council, SC Lennon & Associates prepared the Burdekin Economic Development Strategy 2020-2025. The strategy provides Burdekin Shire Council with direction for economic development promotion and facilitation over the next five years.


The Burdekin Economic Development Strategy 2020-25 provides Burdekin Shire Council with a framework to support the vibrancy, diversity and sustainability of the Burdekin Shire Council area. Informed by a well-developed understanding of the Burdekin’s economic development structure, dynamics and potential, it delivers a five-year plan of action, which builds on and strengthens partnerships and alliances between Burdekin Shire Council, government, industry and the community.

Regional in scope with a global frame of reference, the strategy articulates and promotes a partnership approach between Burdekin Shire Council and other stakeholders to promote the Burdekin as an attractive destination for people to live, work and play. 

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Plastic Free Places Economic Benefits Study
Queensland Department of Environment and Science

In 2019 the Queensland Government, through the Department of Environment and Science, commissioned SC Lennon & Associates to prepare and report on an analysis of the economic benefits of the Plastic Free Places program.


The research, consultation and analysis informing the report focuses on Plastic Free Noosa as a working case study, utilising cost-benefit analysis (CBA) techniques and an assessment of estimated regional economic impacts.


The purpose of the study is to identify and quantify the anticipated benefits of the Plastic Free Places program for the region and the State as a whole, and the economic analysis demonstrates a strong and robust economic case for supporting the delivery of the Plastic Free Places program throughout Queensland.

Mackay Vital Signs

Mackay Community Foundation


SC Lennon & Associates was engaged by the Mackay Community Foundation in 2018 to prepare a set of social indicators using the ‘Vital Signs’ framework. Vital Signs is an international program that measures the health and vitality of communities and builds community engagement around core issues concerning quality of life.


The project involved the identification, collation and analysis of key data sets to inform the preparation of a Vital Signs report. To help inform and contextualise the analysis, the consultant team also engaged with organisations representing disadvantaged members of the Mackay community. The report presents data according to five overarching themes:


  • People;

  • Housing and Affordability;

  • Community Identity and Connection;

  • Health and Wellbeing; and

  • Income and Employment.


The Mackay Vital Signs report is designed to promote discussion on the key issues that affect the lives of all people who live and work in Mackay and to inform and encourage innovative solutions to Mackay’s most pertinent challenges

Download the report.

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Goondiwindi Region Economic Development Strategy
Goondiwindi Regional Council

Commissioned by Goondiwindi Regional Council, SC Lennon & Associates prepared the Goondiwindi Region Economic Development Strategy. Titled Goondiwindi Region: A Blueprint for Prosperity: Economic Development Strategy, 2018-2023, the strategy provides the framework for enhancing the vibrancy, economic diversity, liveability and sustainability of the Goondiwindi Region’s economy.


The Goondiwindi Region Economic Development Strategy articulates a vision for the region’s economic development. The vision is for the Goondiwindi Region to successfully transition to a prosperous 21st Century regional economy, by capitalising on its traditional industry strengths and promoting new forms of high-value economic activity, consistent with the community’s aspirations to represent ‘Regional Australia at its Best’.

Goondiwindi Region: A Blueprint for Prosperity articulates Council’s role in facilitating, supporting and promoting business activity to help secure a sustainable employment base and a strong economic future for the Goondiwindi Region. The strategy can be downloaded here.

Horizon 2030: Macleay Valley Economic Development and Tourism Strategy

Kempsey Shire Council


Commissioned by Kempsey Shire Council, SC Lennon & Associates prepared an economic development and tourism strategy for the Macleay Valley on the NSW Mid-North Coast.

Horizon 2030 sets Kempsey Shire Council’s strategic vision for economic development and tourism for the next 10 years and beyond. It maps out the vision for the economic development of the Macleay Valley and its communities, balancing the preservation and enhancement of the region’s natural and cultural environments whilst providing a robust foundation for economic development and sustainable population growth.


The strategy development process took a broad consultative approach to inform a thoroughly-researched strategy that is factual, practical and visionary and which articulates Kempsey Shire Council’s role as a facilitator and promoter of economic development and tourism in the Macleay Valley.

Download the report.

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Coober Pedy Economic Growth and Investment Strategy
RDA Far North and The District Council of Coober Pedy

SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Regional Development Australia Far North SA and The District Council of Coober Pedy to prepare an Economic Growth and Investment Strategy.


The Economic Growth and Investment Strategy addresses Coober Pedy’s economic development challenges and prospects with a focus on providing opportunities for investment to support sustainable economic development. It includes an up-to-date analysis of Coober Pedy’s economic stocks and flows, identifying the area's interrelationships with the broader Outback region and the South Australian economy.


Grounded in research, analysis and targeted stakeholder consultation, the strategy provides the evidence base to support Coober Pedy’s engagement with both State and Federal Governments on matters of significance which require further attention.


Importantly, the strategy recognises and articulates the collaborative roles of Council and other key ‘agents of change’ in facilitating economic opportunities to ensure economic development in the Coober Pedy District Council area is managed and sustainable.

The strategy can be downloaded here.

Lake Macquarie Economic Study:
Informing the Vision for Lake Mac to 2050 and Beyond

Lake Macquarie City Council


The City of Lake Macquarie commissioned SC Lennon & Associates to prepare a comprehensive Economic Study for the City. The Economic Study informs Council’s new long-term plan (Lake Mac 2050). The study’s focus is on providing policy direction to achieve economic development and how Council can play its role as an enabler and facilitator to help realise the City’s vision for a thriving economy.


Guided by Council’s Vision and Values, the Economic Study considers how the City of Lake Macquarie can leverage current and emerging demographic and economic trends and prospects and the implications these hold for its ‘socio-economic relationship’ with the Greater Newcastle metropolitan area and Hunter Region, with the NSW Central Coast and with metropolitan Sydney.

Download the report.

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Torres Strait Regional Economic Investment Strategy:
Arts & Creative Industries Business Growth Package

Torres Strait Regional Authority

SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by the Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) to assist with the design and delivery of the Arts & Creative Industries Business Growth Package.


The Arts & Creative Industries Business Growth Package is designed to support Torres Strait businesses that rely on ‘creativity’ as their primary source of value. The focus of the Business Growth Package is broader than traditional Torres Strait arts, culture and heritage and its focus is on ‘for-profit’ commercial business opportunities in all areas of the Arts & Creative Industries. This includes cultural production activities like painting, song and dance, and creative services like graphic design, web design, fashion design, photography and marketing.

The Arts & Creative Industries Business Growth Package is a direct outcome of the Torres Strait Regional Economic Investment Strategy (REIS), which was also prepared by SC Lennon & Associates. The REIS provides the TSRA with a strategic framework to facilitate commercially-viable business opportunities in the Torres Strait Region. Built on extensive research, consultation and analysis, the REIS is strategic, informed and targeted.

For more information about the Torres Strait Arts & Creative Industries Business Growth Package, go to the TSRA web site here.

Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday Region Economic Development Review

Greater Whitsunday Alliance


Commissioned by the Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3), SC Lennon & Associates prepared the Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday Region Economic Development Review, 2018-2022. The review delivers a roadmap for enhancing the vibrancy, diversity and sustainability of the Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday region’s economy.

Regional in scope and global in its outlook, the Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday Region Economic Development Review supports the region’s economic development partners in their advocacy activities. It does this by providing an evidence-based plan of action to attract targeted industries and help to further develop existing businesses to grow in the Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday region.


The Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday Region Economic Development Review can be downloaded here.


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Shaping the Lismore CBD - Economic Analysis
Lismore City Council


SC Lennon & Associates was part of a team commissioned by Lismore City Council in 2019 to prepare the ‘Shaping the Lismore CBD’ Master Plan. Working with HIP V. HYPE Sustainability, Tract Consultants and Astrolabe, SC Lennon & Associates prepared the economic development and project investment analysis component of this landmark CBD revitalisation strategy.


Through technical analysis and the facilitation of an Enquiry By Design process with local stakeholders, a suite of solutions were built around catalysing investment in projects and programs that aim to reinvigorate the Lismore CBD. SC Lennon & Associates played a pivotal role in identifying and then assessing - through the use of benefit-cost analysis principles - priority investment proposals to catalyse the CBD’s revitalisation.

The ‘Shaping the Lismore CBD’ report guides the City of Lismore’s future investments in the CBD and provides the foundation for state and federal funding opportunities to be explored. It recommends at set of implementable projects, programs and further investigations which have been defined, analysed and tested to ensure that together they are able to positively shape the CBD and generate sustainable economic activity in Lismore and the surrounding region.

Hornsby Shire Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, 2020-2025

Hornsby Shire Council


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Hornsby Shire Council to prepare the Hornsby Shire Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, 2020-2025. The strategy provides Hornsby Shire Council, in its role as a promoter and a facilitator of economic development, with a well-articulated plan of action to support the vibrancy, diversity and sustainability of the Hornsby Shire Council area.


Informed by extensive research, stakeholder consultation and analysis, the strategy presents a five-year plan of action that builds on the Shire’s existing strengths to stimulate, support, attract and maintain economic activity. Articulating opportunities for Council and its partners to help facilitate change towards a prosperous future, the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy contains three action areas or themes.

The Hornsby Shire Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, 2020-2025 defines Council’s role in promoting and facilitating economic development and tourism.


The strategy focuses key outcomes on Council’s activities as an ‘enabler’, where it can use its planning and regulatory functions, its resources and its collaborative relationships with other organisations to help stimulate investment, attract new residents, encourage the growth of existing businesses and support the local visitor economy through effective promotion and destination management.

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Balonne Shire Economic Development Plan, 2018-2022
Balonne Shire Council


Commissioned by Balonne Shire Council in south-west Queensland, SC Lennon & Associates prepared the Balonne Shire Economic Development Plan, 2018-2022. Informed by targeted consultation and analysis, the Plan is a blueprint for enhancing the vibrancy, liveability and economic sustainability of the communities of the Balonne Shire.


The Plan provides a strategic framework for Balonne Shire Council - working in partnership with others - to take advantage of emerging economic opportunities, to explore new sustainable directions for the Shire’s future and to commit to creating a prosperous and resilient local economy.

The focus of the Economic Development Plan is on the Shire’s key industries in cotton and grain, horticulture, sheep and cattle and the visitor economy, identifying opportunities to value-add to and diversify the Shire’s existing economic base. These are the industry sectors which drive the Balonne Shire’s economy in terms of inter-regional exports, employment and industry value-added and they represent the four ‘pillars’ of the Balonne Shire economy.

Goondiwindi Regional Council Corporate Plan 2019-2024

Goondiwindi Regional Council


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Goondiwindi Regional Council in Queensland to prepare its new Corporate Plan. The Plan sets the direction for the communities of the Goondiwindi Region and Council decision-making for the period 2019 to 2024.


The Corporate Plan sets Council’s vision for the region by providing a strategic framework for enhancing the quality lifestyle enjoyed by the communities of the region, and by capitalising on a positive paradigm shift occurring in the district, predominately revolving around agriculture and the region’s resources.


Recognising Council's role to provide leadership in making locally-responsive and informed decisions, delivering the highest-quality services and facilities, the Corporate Plan provides structured guidance to Council in working towards its vision of being a vibrant, cohesive and prosperous region.

Download the report.

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Preparing for Prosperity: Snowy Valleys Council Economic Development Strategy, 2018-2022
Snowy Valleys Council

SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Snowy Valleys Council in New South Wales to prepare the newly-unified Council's economic development strategy.


Preparing for Prosperity: Snowy Valleys Council Economic Development Strategy 2018-2022 has been prepared to support the communities of the Snowy Valleys Council area in accordance with Council’s vision of “leading, engaging and supporting strong and vibrant communities”.


Informed by targeted stakeholder consultation, research and analysis, the economic development strategy builds on the community engagement process undertaken by Council to prepare the Snowy Valleys Community Strategic Plan: Snowy Valleys 2028: Our Vision, Our Future.


Preparing for Prosperity presents a suite of 35 individual actions categorised under four strategic themes. It articulates Council’s role in facilitating, supporting and promoting business activity to develop and secure a sustainable employment base and a strong economic future for the Snowy Valleys Council area.

Economic and Community Benefits of Sealing the Strzelecki Track

RDA Far North, the Outback Communities Authority and

The Flinders Ranges Council


Commissioned by RDA Far North, The Flinders Ranges Council and the Office of The Outback Communities Authority in South Australia, SC Lennon & Associates prepared a business case for sealing the Strzelecki Track, a vital supply link for major oil and gas facilities in the Cooper Basin and an essential transport corridor for Outback communities, tourism and livestock movements.


The economic benefits focussed on various sectors including resources, beef cattle, road freight and tourism and the results showed that implications of these wider benefits have the potential to deliver a ‘value add’ to the economy in the order of $87 million in year 10 after the project completion and wider economic benefits (over 40 years) of between $2.3 billion and $3.1 billion.

Download the report.

Malt Precinct Redevelopment Options Economic Analysis

Heritage Council of Victoria

​Caydon Property Group obtained approval for redevelopment of the Historic Malt Precinct in inner Melbourne conserving important heritage assets including the iconic ‘Nylex Sign’.


​SC Lennon & Associates provided detailed options feasibility modelling to assist with deliberations on the appropriate balance between commercial and conservation outcomes.

The proposal is for a a two-stage residential, commercial and tourism development that will bring high-quality apartment living to this significant urban renewal site, as well as retail shops, bars, cafes and restaurants to service the new precinct.


On completion, Caydon’s Malt District proposal will transform what is a dilapidated and under-used site into an attractive, activated and vibrant destination for locals and tourists alike to visit and enjoy.


Further information on the proposal is available for download here.

Sutherland Shire Economic Strategy

Sutherland Shire Council


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Sutherland Shire Council to prepare the Sutherland Shire Economic Strategy. The Strategy provides a blueprint for enhancing the vibrancy, liveability, economic diversity and sustainability of the communities of the Sutherland Shire. It identifies a selection of opportunities for the Shire to focus on to help activate and grow the local economy, across three strategic themes, being:

  • Theme 1: Attract Investment and Support Business Innovation in the Shire;

  • Theme 2: Support the Growth of Sutherland Shire's Evolving Visitor Economy; and

  • Theme 3: Promote Sutherland Shire as a Globally-connected Knowledge Economy.


The economic opportunities respond to and align with the strategic objectives articulated in Council’s Community Strategic Plan as well as key regional planning documents including the Greater Sydney Regional Plan and the South District Plan.

Download the report.

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Torres Strait Regional Economic Investment Strategy:
Fisheries Business Growth Package

Torres Strait Regional Authority

SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by the Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) to assist with the design and delivery of the Torres Strait Fisheries Business Growth Package. The Fisheries Business Growth Package is designed to support opportunities for value-added fishing activities in the Torres Strait Region. The Business Growth Package supports the objectives of the TSRA's Fisheries Programme, to enhance the region’s wealth by creating and managing an economically and environmentally sustainable fishing industry and increasing employment opportunities f in the Torres Strait Region.

The Fisheries Business Growth Package is a direct outcome of the Torres Strait Regional Economic Investment Strategy (REIS), which was also prepared by SC Lennon & Associates. The REIS provides the TSRA with a strategic framework to facilitate commercially-viable business opportunities in the Torres Strait Region. Built on extensive research, consultation and analysis, the REIS is strategic, informed and targeted.

For more information about the Torres Strait Fisheries Business Growth Package, go to the TSRA web site here. For more information about the Torres Strait Regional Economic Investment Strategy, click here.

OneOutback Prospectus

RDA Far North and the Outback Communities Authority


The Outback Communities Authority (OCA) and RDA Far North commissioned SC Lennon & Associates to prepare an investment prospectus for the Outback. The ‘oneOutback’ Prospectus is a short, sharp and engaging document targeted at government agencies and prospective investors.

The oneOutback Prospectus is evidence based and seeks to attract investment into the Outback to see projects of regional significance come into fruition. In exploring how the region is best placed to leverage the Outback’s competitive advantage, the Prospectus identifies and promotes four prioritised, innovative ‘region-building’ investment opportunities which are economically sound and community verified.


The oneOutback Prospectus verifies the Outback Communities Authority Region Economic Growth & Investment Strategy, which was also prepared by SC Lennon & Associates on behalf of the OCA and Regional Development Australia Far North. This key planning document is informed by economic analysis and comprehensive community engagement with those living and working in the Outback.

Download the prospectus.

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Longreach Regional Council Corporate Plan

Longreach Regional Council


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Longreach Regional Council to prepare its new corporate plan.


The Longreach Regional Council Corporate Plan, 2017-2027 sets Council's strategic direction and guides the organisation in fulfilling its mission to deliver decisive leadership in making locally-responsive, informed and responsible decisions, providing the highest-quality services and facilities to all communities of the Longreach Region.


The Plan articulates Council's vision and its core values, which govern the actions of Council and how it serves the communities of Ilfracombe, Isisford, Longreach and Yaraka.

The vision, mission and values inform the strategies presented in the Corporate Plan and the key outcomes Council aspires to realise across the four Corporate Plan themes of ‘Community’, ‘Economy’, ‘Environment’ and ‘Governance’.

Download the Corporate Plan.

Whitsunday Region Economic Development Strategy, 2017-2021

Whitsunday Regional Council


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Whitsunday Regional Council to prepare the Whitsunday Region Economic Development Strategy.

The primary purpose of the Whitsunday Region Economic Development Strategy is to develop a clear, actionable and achievable ‘road map’ for economic development in the Whitsunday Region until 2021. The strategy contains six themes, being:

  • Theme 1: A Diverse and World-class Tourism Destination;

  • Theme 2: A Sustainable and Profitable Farming Region;

  • Theme 3: An Environmentally-Sustainable Region Supported by Climate-Adapted Industries;

  • Theme 4: A Globally-connected and Dynamic Region of Choice for Investment;

  • Theme 5: A Skilled Workforce and Prosperous Mining and Small Business Sector; and

  • Theme 6: A Region of Vibrant Towns and Centres.


The Economic Development Strategy provides Council with the framework and directions to facilitate and promote economic development. It identifies activities for which Whitsunday Regional Council can take the lead and others where Council will play a support role to other agencies and organisations driving the initiatives concerned.

Download the report.


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Investment Prospectus Web Content

Brisbane Marketing


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Brisbane Marketing to research and prepare written content for its new 'Invest Brisbane' web site.


The latest information and data was researched, reviewed and re-focussed to ensure Brisbane Marketing’s key messages are effectively delivered to target audiences, namely prospective investors.


Different messages were delivered for different industry sectors including:


  • Energy and resources;

  • Food and agribusiness;

  • Innovation and technology;

  • Logistics and manufacturing; and

  • Tourism.


Brisbane's flagship business precincts were also profiled and key information presented for prospective investors.


The content prepared by SC Lennon & Associates on Brisbane's key industry sectors and its business precincts is available at

Torres Strait Regional Economic Investment Strategy, 2015-2018

Torres Strait Regional Authority


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by the Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) to prepare a Regional Economic Investment Strategy.


The strategy identifies sustainable industries and opportunities for commercially-viable enterprise development for Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal people living in the region.


The Regional Economic Investment Strategy identifies those industries which provide the greatest opportunities to establish and grow commercially-viable businesses in the Torres Strait. It informs the TSRA’s enterprise assistance programs, to deliver a strategically-targeted mix of support to projects that demonstrate a capacity for business development in the region.


The strategy provides a ‘blueprint’ for the TSRA, other agencies, industry and the communities, to guide the future economic development of the Torres Strait, and contribute to the delivery of the objectives of the Torres Strait Development Plan 2014-2018.

Roxby Downs Economic Growth & Investment Strategy

Roxby Council, RDA Far North and The Outback Communities Authority


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Roxby Council, the Outback Communities Authority (OCA) and RDA Far North South Australia to prepare a Regional Economic Growth and Investment Strategy for the Roxby Downs Region. The Strategy addresses the region’s economic development challenges with a focus on providing opportunities for investment to support sustainable growth.


The Economic Growth and Investment Strategy provides the framework and directions for economic development, with the focus being on 17 actions across three strategic activity areas being:

  1. Support Development of Roxby Downs as a Sustainable Community;

  2. Support Growth and Development of Mining; and

  3. Support the Development of the Roxby Downs Region's Visitor Economy.


By taking an informed, strategic and targeted approach to the identification of opportunities and priorities for economic development, the Roxby Downs Economic Growth and Investment Strategy informs the short-term work planning of RDA Far North, the OCA and Roxby Council as well as longer-term opportunities for economic development which need to be planned for now.

Download the Report.

Bold Ambitions 2038: Toowoomba Region Economic Development Strategy

Toowoomba Regional Council


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Toowoomba Regional Council to assist it in preparing a new economic development strategy for the Toowoomba Region.


Titled "Bold Ambitions 2038: A Blueprint for Regional  Prosperity", the economic development strategy provides a framework for for enhancing the vibrancy, liveability and economic sustainability of the Toowoomba region.

The strategy builds on Council's achievements in facilitating projects and programs to help grow the regional economy. While Toowoomba Regional Council is the lead facilitator of the strategy, its implementation relies on the Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise (TSBE), public and private sector resources, active partnerships, the business community and all levels of government.

Download the report.

Workforce Planning Framework for Brunei Darussalam

Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by the Government of Brunei Darussalam to prepare a workforce planning framework for the Sultanate.


The report makes recommendations for the establishment of a tailored governance framework that will deliver an effective system of workforce planning to address unemployment and Brunei's immediate workforce requirements.


It also addresses the longer-term economic development ambitions of Brunei. In so doing, the plan offers a strategic response to Brunei’s national economic development policy objective for a more diverse and robust globally-oriented knowledge economy.


The planning framework is informed by an analysis of the current and future skills needs of industry using employment forecasting techniques. To this end, SC Lennon & Associates collaborated with Remplan to provide an understanding of the structure of Brunei's economy in 2015, a forecast to 2020 and an articulation of what the economy would need to look like in 2035 if Brunei's national economic development policy objectives are to be achieved.


The plan gives effect to Brunei's national economic development strategy, anticipating the future workforce needs of industry and recommending actions to ensure Brunei's supply of human capital can satisfy the workforce requirements of a diversity of industries now and in future.

Caloundra Centre Master Plan - Economic Development Strategy

Sunshine Coast Council


SC Lennon & Associates was part of a team commissioned by Sunshine Coast Council to prepare the Caloundra Centre Master Plan.


In contributing to the Master Plan, SC Lennon & Associates provided critical economic development planning advice. This included collating and synthesising a wealth of existing socio-economic data and information on Caloundra and the Sunshine Coast Region’s traditional and emerging industry sectors and value-adding to this with new analysis.


Also critical to the Master Plan’s development was targeted consultation and facilitated workshops with the local business community / traders and Council stakeholders. To download the Master Plan, click here.


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Outback Region Economic Growth and Investment Strategy

RDA Far North South Australia and the Outback Communities Authority


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Regional Development Australia Far North SA and the Outback Communities Authority to prepare a Regional Economic Growth and Investment Strategy.


The Economic Growth and Investment Strategy addresses the region’s economic development challenges and opportunities with a focus on providing opportunities for investment to support sustainable growth.


It includes a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the region’s economic stocks and flows - both in and out of the region - identifying the OCA Region’s connections and interrelationships with the broader South Australian economy.


The strategy provides the evidence base to support the OCA Region’s engagement with both State and Federal Governments on matters of regional significance which require further attention.


Importantly, the strategy recognises and articulates the role of the Outback Communities Authority and other key ‘agents of change’ - RDA Far North, local Councils and others - in facilitating economic development and attracting investment to ensure growth in the region is managed and sustainable.

Download the report.


City of Launceston Economic Development Strategy

City of Launceston


A team comprising SC Lennon & Associates and HillPDA was commissioned by the City of Launceston in Tasmania to prepare the City of Launceston Economic Development Strategy.


The Economic Development Strategy provides Council with the framework and directions to facilitate and promote economic development. Specifically, it identifies activities for which The City of Launceston can take the lead and others where Council will play a support role to other agencies and organisations driving the initiatives concerned.

Strategy outcomes include the identification of a vision for the economic development of the City and clarity around Council’s economic development functions, operations, strategies and required resources.


The strategy articulates and capitalises on Launceston's role as a regional service centre for Northern Tasmania, promoting the City's potential as:


  • A world-class 'learning city';

  • An internationally-recognised visitor destination; and

  • A location of choice for 'knowledge workers', entrepreneurs and innovative businesses seeking a sophisticated small-city lifestyle.


Delivering actions to support the foundations for growth, the City of Launceston Economic Development Strategy provides a ‘blueprint’ for enhancing economic vibrancy, sustainability and liveability in the City of Launceston. The focus of the strategy is on actions that can be achieved over the next five years.

Download the report.

Review of Community Economic Development Program, Torres Strait

Torres Strait Regional Authority


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by the Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) to review the impact of Australian Government Economic Development Grant funding on business opportunities and employment creation in the Torres Strait Region.


The assessment also considered impacts on increases in training for targeted business opportunities within each Torres Strait community.


The review identified findings, recommendations and strategies for targeted and strategic delivery of funding and other means of support for regional economic development. This included recommendations to incentivise and support potential viable and sustainable businesses for Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal people living in the region.

Flinders Ranges Economic Growth and Investment Strategy

The Flinders Ranges Council and RDA Far North South Australia


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Regional Development Australia Far North SA and The Flinders Ranges Council to prepare an Economic Growth and Investment Strategy.


The Strategy addresses the Flinders Ranges Region’s economic development challenges and prospects with a focus on providing opportunities for investment to support sustainable growth. A particular focus of the strategy was on opportunities to develop the region’s tourism industry.


It includes a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the region’s economic stocks and flows - both in and out of the region - identifying the Flinders Ranges Region’s connections and interrelationships with the broader South Australian economy.

With a focus on tourism, the Strategy provides the evidence base to support the Flinders Ranges Region’s engagement with both State and Federal Governments on matters of significance which require further attention.

Download the Report.

Boroondara Economic Development & Tourism Strategy, 2016-2019

City of Boroondara Council


A team comprising SC Lennon & Associates and HillPDA was commissioned by the City of Boroondara Council in Melbourne's Eastern Region to prepare the City of Boroondara Economic Development and Tourism Strategy.


The strategy identifies areas of growth, change and opportunity to provide an ‘economic blueprint’ for the Boroondara municipality for the next five years.


Specifically, the strategy:


  • Identifies potential barriers to investment and economic development in the City of Boroondara, and the solutions to overcome these;


  • Identifies potential opportunities to increase the level of investment in the City of Boroondara; and


  • Provides the vision, framework and directions for Council to facilitate change towards a prosperous future for the City of Boroondara.


The Economic Development and Tourism Strategy was prepared in the context of the role of economic development promotion and facilitation in the Council’s broader program of work and strategic objectives.

Download the Report.

City of Port Phillip Council Economic Development Directions

City of Port Phillip Council


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by City of Port Phillip Council in Melbourne to prepare the City of Port Phillip Economic Development Directions Paper.


The Directions Paper informs a planning framework for City of Port Phillip (CoPP) Council to facilitate and promote economic development in the context of Council’s broader program of work and strategic objectives.


It is a critical piece of work guiding a whole-of-Council approach to economic development that is strategic, informed and targeted in nature.


The City of Port Phillip Economic Development Directions Report presents recommendations for CoPP Council to progress an organisation-wide approach that is aspirational, innovative and engaging while providing a practical overarching framework for action.

Outback Prosperity 2021:
Longreach Region Economic Development Strategy

Longreach Regional Council

SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by Longreach Regional Council to prepare the Longreach Region Economic Development Strategy. The strategy provides the framework and directions for economic development within the Longreach local government area, with the focus being on actions that can be achieved over the next 5 years.


The Longreach Region Economic Development Strategy delivers three things:


  • Firstly, it provides an information base (for Council and others) on the structure and dynamics of the region’s economy.


  • Secondly, it identifies economic development challenges and opportunities for Council and other key stakeholders to consider for investment and it presents this information in a format to encourage participation by industry and developers.


  • Finally, the strategy looks at ways to address the region’s most pertinent issues, challenges and opportunities, providing a framework for facilitating economic development within the Longreach LGA.


The Longreach Region Economic Development Strategy documents a plan of action for Council and its partners in government, industry and the community to facilitate change towards a more prosperous future for the Longreach community.


Importantly, it articulates a vision for the future.

Download the report.

Creative Industries Scoping Study and Strategic Directions

City of Albany


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by the City of Albany in Western Australia to prepare a creative industries scoping study.


A report was prepared which documented the findings of tailored research, targeted consultation and data analysis for the City of Albany and the Great Southern Region in profiling the creative industries. Based on the study findings, recommendations were made to the City of Albany to facilitate and grow the City’s (and region’s) creative economy.


The study findings and recommendations were presented at the inaugural Great Southern Future Forum, which was held at The Albany Entertainment Centre in April 2015. The presentation is available here.



Northern Rivers Regional Plan, 2013-2016

Regional Development Australia-Northern Rivers


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by RDA-Northern Rivers to prepare an update of its Regional Plan.


The Northern Rivers Regional Plan 2013-2016 articulates and re-affirms the community’s vision and regional development priorities to inform social, cultural, environmental and economic strategies for the Northern Rivers Region.


The Plan addresses the key determinants of long-term regional economic growth as identified by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Regional Australia Standing Council, being: comparative advantage and business competitiveness; access to international, national and regional markets; human capital; and sustainable communities and population change.


A total of 27 actions respond to the issues, grouped into the following ‘Regional Priorities’:


  1. connected communities

  2. a learning region

  3. natural infrastructure

  4. sustainable industry

  5. inclusive communities

  6. regional identity

  7. a collaborative region


 Download the Regional Plan

Unleashing Our Opportunities:
Armidale Region Economic Development Strategy, 2017-2025

Armidale Regional Council


SC Lennon & Associates was commissioned by the newly-merged Armidale Regional Council to prepare the Armidale Region Economic Development Strategy.


Unleashing Our Opportunities: Armidale Region Economic Development Strategy, 2017-2025 is a blueprint for enhancing the vibrancy and sustainability of the Armidale Region’s economy and its influence on the liveability of the local government area as a whole.


Aspirational, informed and action-oriented, Unleashing Our Opportunities addresses challenges and opportunities for economic development in the context of Armidale Regional Council’s broader program of strategic objectives as documented in its Corporate Plan and the aspirations of the community as articulated in Council's Community Strategic Plan 2017-2027.

Regional in scope and global in its outlook, the Armidale Region Economic Development Strategy aligns with the economic development objectives of Regional Development Australia’s Northern Inland NSW Regional Plan 2016-2019, the NSW Government’s Jobs for the Future Strategy and the New England North West Regional Plan 2036.

Creative Industries Analysis, Western Australia

WA Department of Culture and the Arts


SC Lennon & Associates collaborated with the Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) to prepare an analysis of industry and employment structure and trends in Western Australia's creative industries segments.  


The report, which uses the UK's National Endowment for Education, Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) method for defining and measuring the creative industries, was commissioned by the Western Australian Department of Culture and the Arts.


The report provides an updated analytical overview of the Perth creative industries and similarly structured data for the whole of Western Australia. Comparisons are made, where relevant, with other States and Territories and selected capital cities. 


The data helps inform a renewed approach to Western Australia’s creative industries policies and strategies.


Download the report       Download the fact sheet


Gold Coast City Investment Promotion Workshop

Gold Coast City Council


SC Lennon & Associates and GDP Global delivered a one-day interactive investment promotion training workshop to Economic Development Officers and Managers of Gold Coast City Council's Economic Development and Major Projects Directorate.


The workshop delivered insights into international economic promotion, with a focus on Gold Coast City's strategic competitive advantages, its unique selling proposition (USP), investment attraction, best-practices, the competitive environment for foreign direct investment, and best approaches to organisational issues of effective investment promotion.


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